Tag: favorite

  • Controlling a Budget; Restaurants

    My family unit (at this point in time) is myself, my wife, and my 16 month old daughter. In the past year we have budgeted sporatically, but as of late have gotten back on the wagon. The biggest area of controllable spending for us was restaurants. This past month, with some extra travel expendatures and…

  • Five conditions for facebook friendship

    Below are 5 conditions that must be met in order for me to accept a facebook friend request: 1. If I saw you in public, I would recognize you. If you have a profile picture, and I can’t for the life of me figure out who you are. I’m gonna ignore you. 2. If I…

  • Love your enemy.

    Matthew 5 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends…

  • Lead Me

    I heard this song the other day. It literally moved me to tears. The lyrics are true and beautiful. At the end of the song, the lyrics change to “Father Lead me…”: So Father, give me the strength To be everything I’m called to be Oh, Father, show me the way To lead them Won’t…

  • Twitter people think about burritos

    Just thought this was funny. Twitter is often made fun of for people saying things like, “I’m going for a run” and, “I’m thinking about having a burrito”. Well, it’s true, this is live RSS…so all of these entries are live. Twitter search for thinking+burrito Twitter search for “going for a run” The real shocker…

  • You CAN change the world. In a way.

    I heard an interview with a Doctor who was part of “Doctors Without Borders” in Darfur on NPR today. I was moved by something he said that I found profound. He was asked if he felt like he was changing the world in Darfur. And I am liberally paraphrasing: It’s hard to ever feel like…

  • A bad movie, is a bad movie. It has nothing to do with religion.

    There are three very critical components to a movie: acting, story, and cinematography. The most critical of the three, in my opinion,  is acting. When I see a movie with a bad actor, it immediately jolts me out of the fiction of the story and into reality, where all I can see is the man…

  • LISTEN Craigslisters!

    UPLOAD A PICTURE! I have no interest in reading about an item you have for sale from your home, which I also have no interest in visiting UNLESS I see a PICTURE of an item I WANT TO BUY! How hard is it to post a digital photograph? Almost everyone has a digital camera now.…