Category: Family

  • Perspective Adjustment, or How We Lost Our Van

    Having three kids is hard. Actually, having two kids under 5, and an infant is hard. My daughters are now pretty easy to handle. When they’re obedient, they’re tons of fun. After the arrival of our new son though, it has been a struggle to keep the right perspective. Then something kinda crazy happened. Three…

  • The one you need.

    I have two beautiful daughters. I love them so dearly that I’m sometimes saddened by the fact that they have to grow up. About a year ago I really wrestled with my views of God and to be honest, my mistrust of God. I was afraid to trust and follow him completely because I was…

  • Living the Dream [my 30th birthday]

    I turned 30 today. It was really a wonderful day, because my parents kept our two kids last night, so that my wife and I could go out and be together for the evening. We went out to dinner, got some coffee, took in a movie, and talked until late before going to bed. This…

  • Fears and Dreams

    I was at lunch with a friend discussing movies that were surprisingly emotional. The Pixar film Up was mentioned. My friend said that the movie was so sad to him because his worst fear was getting to the end without having lived out his dreams. I didn’t think he understood the point of the story…

  • Merry Christmas

    I’m taking an extra long weekend for Christmas, and am very excited about it. So this morning, as I’m enjoying my family, I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Anyone who has small children knows how hard it is to take a good picture (see:  The Art of Toddler Photography, by Tom Fishburne), this…

  • I love being a Dad

    I haven’t posted in awhile, so I wanted to post this update. We had our little girl Norah Grace Hinson on October 26th, 2010. She’s a sweetie, and I’m very excited about having her. A few days ago we went out to Dairy Queen to grab a treat and the car was full. Hannah and…

  • Lead Me

    I heard this song the other day. It literally moved me to tears. The lyrics are true and beautiful. At the end of the song, the lyrics change to “Father Lead me…”: So Father, give me the strength To be everything I’m called to be Oh, Father, show me the way To lead them Won’t…

  • Feeling better…

    Since I wrote the previous post, I’ve had some feedback of family members and such wondering how I’m doing…I will tell you, better. Traveling for me is always something that makes me nervous…I guess it’s the unknown. The winter is also difficult, with the short days, but I’m feeling more and more hopeful and bright.…